In a scruffy almost unkept way, rough plaster hangs to walls dating back hundreds of years.

Door lintels carved from blocks of marble and stone lie snug above hand crafted timber doors .... the muted shades of the finishings sit comfortably in the beauty of the snow covered hills that form the spine through Italy. Its always been here, it is timeless and a treasure for all that seek to visit. On this occasion however the journey up into Amatrice was detoured away from the old stone bridges, and only possible because of the military engineers emergency work to allow relief to the shattered town.

Its happened before

The inscription on the gate of an institution in Amatrice calls all to remain calm in difficult times, a reminder of a previous disaster. Forty feet across the road lies the remains of a multi occupancy residential block destroyed by the recent earthquake in the early hours of a cold January morning.

Photo by KCI

All along the fault line that runs through Umbria and into Lazzio

Towns big and small have been devastated, lives thrown into chaos and treasures, hundreds of years old, destroyed for ever. L'Aquila is almost rebuilt and signs proclaim "Rendiamo L'Aquila de Nuovo Grande". The skyline is awash with cranes and new residential areas abound.... but will the true beauty of the old buildings ever emerge from the steel cradles and be truly preserved.

Whilst walking through these scenes, trying to imagine the fear and terror of everything shaking, the helplessness of facing nature at its most violent; you can't help but ask is this climate change ? As the polar regions warm will the expansions of these defrosting regions not be felt somewhere on the planet ?

Donald J Trump

The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non competative

Photo by KCI